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Training that builds behavioural management skills

Savi Consulting has developed a six-step approach to help anyone to effectively respond to inappropriate behaviour. Whether it is a new staff member, volunteers or seasoned professionals, there are tools and techniques suitable for all skill levels and almost any setting.

Using the six step BECOME approach

Sometimes it is not a matter of just knowing a range of strategies to use. It is working out which strategy is the best option. Having a process to follow helps you make informed choices when responding.

Savi Consulting training provides the BECOME steps:

  • Behaviour
  • Emergency
  • Context
  • Options
  • Myself
  • Enact

The six steps help to define what the behavioural issue is, examine when and why it occurs and establishes how best to encourage appropriate behaviour. It gives people a simple process to follow similar to the emergency steps in first aid. It can be used with most client and age groups and helps improve learning outcomes.

Some of the benefits of using the BECOME six-steps is that it:
  • encourages appropriate behaviour
  • creates a structure that gives you confidence to address issues
  • helps maintain a consistent approach
  • allows quick and simple analysis of situations
  • helps you avoid pitfalls
  • can change your perception about problem behaviour
  • reveals other possibilities and perspectives and gives you new insights
  • allows you to create new ways of dealing with issues.

What is in the training?

Our training in encouraging appropriate behaviour uses a framework based on the six BECOME steps. The steps are underpinned by 14 principles. Within each step tools help analyse the situation and support making a decision. There are 13 tools provided which can be used as or when they are needed. Finally there is a range of 20 strategies discussed to help develop solution focused responses. Download a copy of a sample one day training course to see some of what is in our training.

Below is a summary of the BECOME steps, principles, tools and strategies that are a part of our training. Our whole approach has been published in our book Encouraging Appropriate Behaviour: A Six-Step Approach.

Training that is tailored to your needs

Any specific tools or techniques used in your individual setting can be integrated into the six-step approach. So if you have certain behaviour assessment tools or emergency and reporting protocols that are used, these can be easily included.

We realise that one size does not fit all. That is why we are happy to work with organisations to develop a specific training programs based on BECOME that meets their individual needs. We always promote using the appropriate use of tools and strategies. It is important to choose the right tool for the job. Because choice can only come from practical experience, our training is focused on how to use the principles, tools and strategies in real life situations.

This training was developed based on the extensive experiences of our founding director Murray Irwin working with youth at risk. Our core expertise is working in outdoor adventure & education, wilderness therapy, employment pathways and alternative education settings. To ensure it is relevant and meets the needs of other sectors, we are therefore happy to work collaboratively with organisations seeking to use the BECOME approach.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements. This information is available in a downloadable brochure.

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What is BECOME

Savi Consulting’s basis for it’s training is the BECOME steps. These steps are:
  • B - Behaviour
  • E - Emergency
  • C - Context
  • O - Options
  • M - Myself
  • E - Enact
The steps help to:
  • define what the behavioural issue is (Behaviour and Emergency steps),
  • examine when and why it occurs (Context step) and
  • establishes how best to encourage appropriate behaviour (Options, Myself and Enact steps).

Supporting the six steps are principles, tools and strategies.

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Principles are the generally accepted ways to approach situations. They are based on a solutions-focused approach. BECOME has seven core principles:
  1. Unconditional positive regard
  2. Being a positive role model
  3. Establishing and ensuring consistency
  4. Responding rather than reacting
  5. Swapping instead of stopping
  6. Converting problem behaviour into skill-based behaviour
  7. Providing justification
A further seven principles are relevant to various BECOME steps and are discussed along with the core principles to show how these help your approach to situations.


Tools are designed to gather information to understand the situation. As well as providing practical help in understand the behaviour they support finding the appropriate response. We provide 13 different tools based on well established theories and practices. These include:
  • Key points in developing behavioural agreements
  • A range of communication tools such as using I-messages, communication channels and assessing passive, assertive and aggressive styles
  • Understanding aggressive behaviour and assessing the risk of aggression
  • Being able to look for patterns, respond to the perceptions of triggers and identifying the underlying need
  • A response style curve that we developed to help identify the most appropriate response. It provides 10 different response styles and clearly indicates the more positive styles available.
  • Conflict resolution steps for bring parties together in low level conflict situations

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Strategies are ways in which you can respond to behaviours that help support appropriate change. A range of strategies are discussed including:
  • Living as your word - the use of behavioural agreements to promote change
  • Building and eroding - how actions help build or erode trust in relationships as well as expectations
  • Shaping - creating change by using small steps toward the greater goal

Who would not benefit from this training?

While most people will benefit from this training, the usefulness is dependent of the clients that they support. Many of the techniques provided assume the ability of clients to understand certain concepts like respect and making agreements. The age and cognitive ability of the clients is therefore a consideration.Those working with young children and people with impaired cognitive abilities may not find the training supports their needs.

Contact us today to find out more about our training program and discuss your training requirements. This information is available in a downloadable brochure.
Improve your skills
Talk to us about your training needs. Contact Murray.
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Learn more about our training or up skill at your own pace by buying the book.
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Clicking the buy now button will take you to the amazon book store. Available in paperback at USD $11.99 and as a kindle ebook for USD $7.99
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