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How we act

Savi Consulting staff:
  • Always look for strengths that are immediately available to help us.
  • Understand solutions are everywhere when we focus on finding them and we use the most appropriate solution for the situation.
  • Have experienced that life is not always fair, so we must work to try and make it fairer for everyone.
  • Know that with our rights, comes responsibilities.

And so we try to improve the future of our community and care for our environment as we go about our work.

Living up to our name

Savi (pronounced savvy) means wise or sage in the Catalan Language.  Catalan is one of the 17 autonomous communities in the kingdom of Spain with its capital city Barcelona. Wise means “exercising or showing sound judgement” while sage refers to being “wise through reflection and experience”. 

Savi Consulting works to be wise and sage in all its dealings and help others do the same.

Living up to our logo

savi consulting, logo, iching, hexagram, 42, increasing
savi consulting, logo, iching, hexagram, 42, increasing
savi consulting, logo, iching, hexagram, 42, increasing
The logo is based on a hexagram found in I Ching (pronounced Yee King) or Book of Changes. I Ching was developed over centuries and has influenced Chinese life for over 3000 years.

The logo depicts hexagram number 42 – Increasing
The image associated with increasing is:

So the wise note the ways of others
If they see good in others, they imitate it
If they see bad in themselves, they remove it

Savi Consulting works to imitate the good and remove the bad.
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Improve your skills
Talk to us about your training needs. Contact Murray.
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