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Australian 24 Hour Emergency Contacts:

In case of emergency contact
Ambulance/Police/Fire - 000

Lifeline - 13 11 14

Suicide Help Victoria - 1300 65 12 51

Men's Line Australia - 1300 78 99 78

Kids Help Line - 1800 55 18 00

Mental Health Crisis Team (CATT) or your local hospital emergency department (refer your local telephone directory)

Nurse-on-Call Victoria - 1300 60 60 24

WorkSafe Victoria Advisory Service - 1800 13 60 89

These emergency contact details were last checked on the 4 November 2013.

Who else can help?

There is generally many different ways to solve a problem. Some ways suit people better than others. Also there are times when problems require specialist help. In the course of our work and research we have come across programs, books, and materials that might be of interest or help to you.

However, since writing the book much has changed. Organisations that existed don't any more and new organisations are established. We are unable to continue to monitor and keep update the information that was previously listed on this page. So it is with regret that we have had to limit the content to what you currently see.

Disclaimer: Please remember that this is just a curtesy to help you find services or resources that might help meet your needs. Programs availability and requirements do change over time. Savi Consulting does not accept any liability to any person for the information (or the use of such information) which is provided by any of the services or resources described. The information is provided on the basis that all persons undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy for themselves.

Books for parents
Books and resources for practitioners
Bullying behaviour resources

Books for parents

Kid’s Skills: Playful and practical solution-finding with children by Ben Furman
Also see the website

The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander by Barbara Coloroso

Bully Blocking, six secrets to help children deal with teasing and bullying.” By Everlyn M. Field

Messages: The Communication Skills Book by Martha Davis Ph.D., Patrick Fanning, Matthew McKay Ph.D.

10 Days to a Less Defiant Child by Jeffrey Bernstein, Ph.D

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Books and resources for practitioners

Playing with Fire: Training for Those Working with Young People in Conflict by Fiona Macbeth, Nic Fine, Jo Broadwood

Educating for Resilience: Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Young People at Risk. By Graeme Withers and Jean Russell

Tribes: A new way of Learning Together by Jeanne Gibbs. This website has information on newer editions.

Aggression and Violence in Adolescence by Robert F Marcus

Anger Management: The Complete Treatment Guidebook for Practitioners by Howard Kassinove and Raymond Chip Tafrate

Islands of Healing: A guide to adventure based counseling by Jim Schoel, Dock Prouty and Paul Radcliffe

Exploring Islands of healing: New perspectives on Adventure based Counseling by Jim Schoel and Richard S Maizell

Australian Association for Bush Adventure Therapy Inc

Australian Institute of Criminology
  • Preventing client-initiated violence : a practical handbook by Claire Mayhew, 2000
  • Preventing violence within organisations : a practical handbook by Claire Mayhew, 2000

Preventing Workplace Violence: Towards a Best Practice Model for Work in the Community - Final Report. Koch,Tina & Hudson, Sally. (2000) Glenside, South Australia: Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) RESEARCH UNIT (SA)

Centre for Adolescent Health. Provides a list of services and links for practitioners and school and community groups.

Turning Point Alcohol & Drug Centre. Training and services relating to alcohol and drug problems as well as providing a gamblers helpline.

Australian website says it is “Australia's most extensive directory of community support services providing access to 288,843* health, welfare and community service records.” Use it’s various search features to find out services in your area. [* as at 10 June 2012]

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Bullying behaviour resources and links

To get more information on bullying you can refer to the following. Please ensure you check the disclaimer at the bottom of the page.

Preventing Workplace Bullying: An evidence-based guide for managers and employees by Caponecchia, Carlo & Wyatt, Anne (2011) ISBN 978174237361

Managing Workplace Behaviour: A best practice guide by Hor, Joydeep (2012) ISBN 9781921701917

Workplace Bullying and Harassment: A toolbox for Managers and Supervisors edition 2 by Olsen, Hadyn (2010) ISBN 9780864757845

Mobbing: Causes, Consequences and Solutions by Duffy, Maureen & Sperry, Len (2012) ISBN 9780195380019

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Bullying behaviour in schools

Bullying Interventions in Schools: Six Basic Approaches by Rigby, Ken (2010) ISBN 9780864319579

The Anti-Bullying Handbook 2 edition by Sullivan, Keith (2011) ISBN 9781849204804

The Support Group Method Training Pack by Maines, Barbara & Robinson, George (2010) ISBN 9781412911764

The Teachers Guide to Restorative Classroom Discipline by Meyer, Luanna. H. & Evans, Ian. M. (2012) ISBN 9781412998611

The Method of Shared Concern: A positive approach to bullying in schools by Rigby, Ken (2011) ISBN 9781742860077

Preventing and Treating Bullying and Victimization edited by Vernberg, Eric. M. & Biggs, Bridget. K. (2010) ISBN 9780195335873

Articles by Pikas, Anatol
(1989) The common concern method for the treatment of mobbing and
(2002) New developments of the shared concern method.


Cyber-bullying: Bullying in the digital age by Kowalski, RM., Limber, SP. & Agatston PW (2012) ISBN 978144434814


Please remember that this is just a curtesy to help you find services or resources that might help meet your needs. Savi Consulting does not accept any liability to any person for the information (or the use of such information) which is provided by any of the services or resources described. The information is provided on the basis that all persons undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy for themselves.

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Australian 24 Hour Emergency Contacts:

In case of emergency contact
Ambulance/Police/Fire - 000

Lifeline - 13 11 14

Suicide Help Victoria - 1300 65 12 51

Men's Line Australia - 1300 78 99 78

Kids Help Line - 1800 55 18 00

Mental Health Crisis Team (CATT) or your local hospital emergency department (refer your local telephone directory)

Nurse-on-Call Victoria - 1300 60 60 24

WorkSafe Victoria Advisory Service - 1800 13 60 89

These emergency contact details were last checked on the 4 November 2013.
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